Practice Human

Ep 045: Brian Nevison | Hip & Low Back Resilience for Athletes

February 08, 2024 Caitlin Casella

Brian Nevison will be presenting a day of workshops on SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2024 at Practice Human in NYC. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND SIGN UP

Brian is a playful person: Innately and intentionally. Professionally, he’s a personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and mobility specialist. He loves games and sports of all kinds—he played many growing up and still plays Ultimate Frisbee competitively. He tries to bring a sense of joy, play, and wonder to everything he does.

He has a BS in Kinesiology from Penn State and has been working as a trainer/coach for 13 years. In that time, he’s come to understand that genuine, uninhibited self-expression is immensely powerful. He uses systems learned from Functional Anatomy Seminars (FRC, Kinstretch) and tries to blend scientifically sound principles with an empathetic, holistic approach to health and fitness.

Find out more about Brian’s work at Check out his YouTube channel  And be sure to follow him on Instagram @b_nevison.