Practice Human
Dr. of Physical Therapy, Caitlin Casella speaks with professionals in healthcare, therapeutic movement and exercise, strength and conditioning, athletic training, and bodywork. Interviews focus on the overlapping layers of health and wellness with belief structures, social engagement, economic and environmental factors, and sustaining robust activity later in life. Questions that drive Caitlin’s work and curation of the Practice Human Podcast examine systemic factors which create barriers to care, and how health and wellness can only be partially left to the individual. She asks, "how does our wellness as a society depend on our collective care?"
Practice Human
Ep 005: Tori Lunden | Societal Structures, and Giving Power to the Student
Tori teaches person centered yoga classes in Edmonton. After a season of fire tower lookout in Alberta, she shares her tales of re-entry into society. We discuss the ways societal structures and pressures effect yoga and meditation practice, and she shares teaching tools gleaned from her background in social work.
Find out more at and @badatyoga on Instagram. Stay tuned for her upcoming eBook, "How Not to Teach."